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On-Demand: The PHE ends May 11. What do hospitals and providers need to do right now?

On-Demand: The PHE ends May 11. What do hospitals and providers need to do right now?

We now have an official date: The coronavirus public health emergency (PHE) ends May 11. So what does that mean for the healthcare industry? Hospital staff from the front line to the executive level are encouraged to join this informative workshop with Corro Clinical VP of Regulatory Affairs, Angela Sorbelli to gain a better understanding of what comes next for healthcare when the PHE sunsets.

On-Demand: The UM & CDI Continuum from the ED to the QIO – Part 2

On-Demand: The UM & CDI Continuum from the ED to the QIO – Part 2

Utilization Management and CDI are often discussed in silos, but they shouldn’t be. Impactful transformation happens when data is leveraged from both of these vectors in the clinical revenue cycle to establish a real baseline. Join us for another journey through the Clinical Revenue Cycle from the emergency department to the QIO and beyond.

Bulletin 17 – CMS 2023 OPPS & ASC Final Rule

Bulletin 17 – CMS 2023 OPPS & ASC Final Rule

On November 1, 2022, CMS released the CY 2023 Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System (ASC) Final Rule with Comment Period (CMS–1772–FC), with the official Federal Register publication scheduled to occur on November 23, 2022. The comment period for the Final Rule will remain open until January 1, 2023.

On-Demand: The UM & CDI Continuum from the ED to the QIO- Part 1

On-Demand: The UM & CDI Continuum from the ED to the QIO- Part 1

Utilization Management and CDI are often discussed in silos, but they shouldn’t be. Impactful transformation happens when data is leveraged from both of these vectors in the clinical revenue cycle to establish a real baseline. Join us for a journey through the...

Bulletin 16 – CMS 2023 IPPS & LTCH Final Rule

Bulletin 16 – CMS 2023 IPPS & LTCH Final Rule

On August 1, 2022, CMS released the FY 2023 Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) and Long Term Care Hospitals (LTCH PPS) Final Rule (CMS–1771–F), which was finalized and became effective on November 1, 2022.

On-Demand: HCC’s What’s the 411 for the Inpatient: CDS & Coder

On-Demand: HCC’s What’s the 411 for the Inpatient: CDS & Coder

Join us for an overview of CMS HCC risk adjustment fundamentals for the inpatient clinical documentation specialist and coder. We will review the top ten commonly under-reported diagnoses that map to a CMS HCC, review how risk scores are calculated, impact payment, and benefit from improved clinical documentation and comprehensive coding.

How to Get Off the Denial and Appeal Merry-Go-Round

How to Get Off the Denial and Appeal Merry-Go-Round

It’s a familiar pattern with payers, the provider wins a front-line denial, then a myriad of payer reviews occur and result in more denials. More provider resources are deployed to fight each subsequent denial, only to be unfairly under-reimbursed at the end of the cycle.

On-Demand: Nuances Around the 2-Midnight Rule

On-Demand: Nuances Around the 2-Midnight Rule

Part 1Part 2Have you ever wondered what you need to document to support an unexpected recovery?  Or when is a Condition Code 44 the best choice?  Can you write and inpatient order after a discharge order? PRESENTED BY Dr. Jerilyn Morrissey Senior Vice President,...